Start Anew
Happy Happy New to you all. I hope your Christmas and New year was great and filled with love, loads of gifts and lots of delicious Food consumption.  For me Christmas was spent at home eating through out the day and helping my son open his presentsssss (with a little emphasis) as everything under the tree was for him, I guess he is enjoying the time as an only child for now, new years eve was spent at home partying and praying from 11.45pm to 12 midnight and start partying again haha no sleep at all till the previous day, oh the fun you can have partying at the comfort of your home.
So its 2016, oh my my my  its the 10th already as the old saying goes time and tide wait for no man. Are you like me that don’t make resolutions anymore as we never keep to them, then that’s a good idea. For me I usually reconcile my life to be greatful for the good and the bad the previous year and for the bad I write it off as bad debt which means these items are closed in the books ( Just using my accounting terms). I also noticed that leaving the past behind is important to most people as all the blogs have read since the start of the new year are all around leaving the past behind and focusing on what lies ahead.  The late Myles Munroe and Bishop TD Jakes always say what God has planned for you is ahead of you and never behind you so keep moving forward God will meet your needs in the present and never in your past.
The year 2015 was a great and trying year for me,but all things work together for Good for those that trust in the Lord (Romans 8:28) and for that all I can say is Thank you Lord. In terms of blogging it was a learning phase for me and am still learning, but I have gained a little confidence since then. I made great friends and support unit who are constantly there cheering me on. All of you are now like my second family and its a blessing to have known you all. Thank you all for taking your precious time every week commenting on my post I am forever greatful. I also thank God for the brands who I collaborated with and I believe greater opportunities are coming my way and your way as well I hope you are saying Amen to this.  When I started blogging it was terrifying at first ( am not kidding you) but getting better each post (I must add with the great help of my sister) I hope you feel the same way too, if not be patient with me one day I will get there and I believe God wants me to be here to give motivation to you all and share my own style (well the little I have made sense of in this crazy world of fashion) and hope it will impart your life in any little way possible. Well, that’s the purpose.
Moving on, I pray this year we all start anew, make room for fresh ideas and  get rid of every toxic and negative thoughts as whatever you focus on enlarge in your life, so the choice is yours. As for me since last year am trying to learn the following:
-To make excuses for the people who have hurt me or who may hurt me and forgive them as quickly as possible and love them anyway and sometimes from afar which is best for everyone
-Like the bible says slow to speak and always give a listening ears
-ignore the people who try to put me down, knowing its just a reflection of who they are
-give my utmost respect to anyone no matter their age, culture or background
-spend less time worrying and invest that time doing something fun and productive
-to always have something nice to say or say nothing at all as I don’t truly understand the battle that person is fighting
-Am most importantly make time for the people and things I love
So I hope you all would share some of the things you are learning and trying to achieve this year by  commenting below and I wish you all God’s favor and blessings in all your endeavours and believe that if God be for you nothing will ever be against you.
PS.. Please continue to vote for me as the  fashionista of the year VOTE
My Fashion Corner:
Ok I wanted to start the new year on a low and build my way up haha, well not exactly that way but i just wanted to go for the chic casual look after anxiously wanted to wear this H&M Plaid shirt after I got it on sale before Christmas. I decided to pair is with my black top and shorts just for contrast and add a little white to the mixture by wearing my go to sneaker. I decided to try the high neck look with the shirt just for the fun. Oh well what can I say you can never go wrong with a casual look and with this combination.
Shirt & Sneaker: H&M, Shorts Bardot, Top Calvin Klein
Speak soon you all and talk soon.
Happy New Year to you too dear..
I love the look..casual, very comfy and gorge!
Personally, this year what I really want is to be more spiritual(pray and read the Bible more often)
Wishing you God’s blessings in the year 2016..xx
Same to you Linda. Thanks for the compliment, you are always so kind. Its always a great Idea to spend time with God and know his heart and will for our lives. All the best and may he give you the Grace you need to fulfill your desire. Take care hun
Love it. I am definitely starting anew. Thanks for sharing taking some quotes into account.
Am glad I was able to inspire you dear. Take care
emily warinda
You look so cute hunny…. Always a stunner not matter what you wear…. Love your drive towards life and how you care for everything around you. Definitely looking forward to celebrate your journey and being inspired. Sending you a huge hug X Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh how you know my heart dear. Always know the heart melting words to use to make me smile. Looking forward to work with you too beautiful.
Hiii, happy new year dear.
I love casual look. Very cool! Xxxx
Same to you too Leniliz. Thanks for your kind words really appreciate it. Take care and Thanks for stopping by
Thank you beautiful and Happy New year to you too. Tc
Darling girl, you look absolutely gorgeous in this casual outfit. For sure, God has placed you in this blogosphere for a reason and He will definitely walk with you and show you how to do it effectively. They say sometimes the things that will propel us to the next level is lying close by but we are so focused on other things that we are continually jumping or stepping on those things. It is my prayer that in 2016 our eyes will be opened to see that opportunity or God will direct our paths to that person or opportunity or brand that will take us to the next level. With regards to forgiving quickly and making excuses for people, I choose to feed the love and forgiveness in my heart. Seriously these days nothing phases me. Maybe it’s because I now know that humans will always be humans and are bound to make mistakes. So continue loving unconditionally. If I may quote Madeline Bridges, Give the world your best, and the best will come back to you. Stay blessed!!
Oh Elsie thanks for always cheering me on.. You just know how to make this simple and clear. So true sometimes we just focus of the bigger things in life thinking that’s the way forward not knowing the little things make the greatest impact. God will surely bless us this year and I truly believe that. We will always step on each others toes but like you quote we will continue to give the world our best and it will abundantly come back to us. Love you dear and enjoy your week.
nice otufit! loving the plaid button down!
Thanks u. Really appreciate the compliment.
The Cocopolitan
I couldn`t agree anymore with this post. Happy New Year! I will be working on myself more personally and work wise. You look stunning in this plaid shirt Sonia!
Happy New to you too dear. I pray God will give you the wisdom you need to work on your self personally. Tc
Wendy Adhiambo
Happy new year to Sonia and her Blog! Its great to have you back doll, missed the positive energy that I always enjoy getting from your Blog. I love the all black inside and colour over it. Wish I had the weather like yours right now, please make good use of it for all of us ha!
Enjoy your lovely evening /day
Thanks Hun. Good to be back and your words always put a smile on my face. Its so hot over here and I don’t think you will like it much. Thanks for the love hun
mrs lefty being
Love the outfit. I don’t make resolution as well however I’m a goal setter.
That’s great. Then we have something in common. Always love setting goals for myself and work hard to achieve them. All the best with yours.
Beautiful blog and I love your writing style. I never make resolutions but I do have goals both long term and short term.
Thank you am glad you liked my blog will definitely stop by yours to check it out. Good luck with your goals and I pray that you will look back next year and be happy with your achievements.
All the best.
Christy D.
I didn’t do much in the way of resolutions this year, besides resolving to figure out this having Hashimotos things. So I can get the medication right, and enjoy time with family more thoroughly.
So sorry to hear about it. First time hearing about this disease so i pause and do some googling to get a better understanding. You will get the medication right as am believing with you so you can be able to spend time with you family. All the best.
Lisa Martens
Happy New Year! I’m so glad to hear that I’m not the only person in the whole world that doesn’t make a list of over ambitious New Years resolutions. My basic resolution is just to get up everyday and try to be the best me I can be. Some days are better than others but that’s okay. The important thing is that I keep trying. Thanks for sharing.
Haha.. Resolutions are always overrated and cause people to fail. So happy that you are always and everyday trying to be the best version of yourself. Keep it on and all the best. Thanks for stopping by.
Heather Johnson
Happy new year! I have one goal for 2016: Not buy any toys or books. We have too many toys and can get any book we want from the library. Instead we will spend our fun money on experiences.
Same to you. That’s a great idea. I think sometimes we just have to train ourselves to make conscious decisions in life to move forward. I hope you and your family will be able to experience great things this year. Take care
Happy new year to you my beautiful Sonia…
Wishing you nbothing but the best this year and may the Lord Almighty bless you in all that you do. Continue spreading the postive vibes that you do to people, it is really a gift from God which you shouldn`t take for granted. Cheers to many more awesome posts my dear and wishing you a happy 2016! Let it be full of love, peace, happiness and most of all let it be fruitful!
Love you plaid shirt and white sneakers, you’re adorable!
This is my first time visiting, and I must say I love the casual look! For better or for worse, these days I seem to err on the side of casual, so this is a look that I definitely dig. Great work, and best of luck in 2016!
Mhar Sefcik
Happy New Year, SS! May the new year bring you the best of luck. You are right, we got to start anew. New for the betterment that is. I am working on that as well. 🙂