Add Colour
Welcome back to SS. Hope you all have been keeping well and your week went by as expected, if not just remember to press the restart button and start afresh.
The other day I was browsing pinterest and I came across a quote by the late Maya Angelou which has been in my heart the whole week and am really trying to put that in practice with everyone one I crossed path with now which is like an emphasis of what I stated in my last post about being kind to everyone you meet.
“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud” Maya Angelou
We all are a rainbow and I think its important for us to keep this in mind as you never know what someone else is going through and one kind word might put a colour in someone’s cloud to make a change.  As we all might have experience cloudy days in our lives, I believe it is a blessing to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.  I was reading a news article a week or so ago about Damien Little a 34 year old  man who lived in a town call port Lincoln in Australia he shot himself and his two sons, one 4 and the other 9 months in his car before driving into a wharf, leaving his wife and the whole town devastated and shocked as he was known by the people in the town as a loving husband and the community football coach. The question here is under which cloud was Damien in that might have driven him to end it all?  Only God knows what the wife might be going through???
Sometimes we have no control over certain situations in life. However, we can make it a choice  to do our part by being kind especially to the people we love, as we sometimes forget and take them for granted thinking we know them, but its not always that way as we all are fighting our own unique battle. So let be careful in choosing our words as we never can take them back. I am learning to be quiet whenever am angry, fighting back all the trillion impact and hurtful words I can say to break a person down and its a constant battle going on in my head whether I should or shouldn’t let them out.  Is that the same for you too??. I know sometimes the people we love tell us the most venomous words that will almost kill us internally and these words are constantly playing in our head if what they say is really how they feel about us even though they may have apologized.
So till then… Be Kind and start putting Rainbows.
My Fashion Corner:
So these days am loving the casual chic look because sometimes less is more and I don’t have to do much, as the simple details just speak volume. Today I decided to wear this black leather look pants which was forgotten and left in the laundry wardrobe for months for reason I still don’t know. So yesterday we renew our love again and it was a memorable one. To make it more interesting  it pop with this forever21 jumper as its summer here in Australia but its has been raining for the past couple of days so the weather was a bit chilli but not cold hence the reason I rolled up the sleeves and just for the fun of it i added white to the combo with this Tony Bianco heels and I was on my way. I didn’t want to hold anything big on my hand and this H&M purse came in very handy.
Details: Top: Forever21, Pants: Factorie, Heel: Tony Bianco, Purse: H&M
Elizabeth Edgar
LOVE your outfit! The quote from Maya Angelou is so true! We all should be a rainbow.
You look gorgeous! I love that pop of white that your shoes bring to the outfit!
Debra Schroeder
Love the Maya Angelou quote. That color looks great on you!
Love the outfit! My husband always makes fun of me because I constantly wear nuetrals, but that’s how I find it easiest to mix and match. This is a good reminder that color isn’t a bad thing!
Thanks Jordyn. True as I think neutral colours are easy to match with other colours and blend in well. Every Colour is great and mostly bright ones for me. Enjoy your week
Marielle Altenor
You are rocking that color. I don’t think it would look this amazing on me though lol
haha. Don’t underestimate yourself it will look great on you just give it a try. Thanks for the love dear. Enjoy your week
That outfit looks terrific on you!
Thank you for the compliment. Enjoy your day
Elsie Davies
Love the quote Sonia. I heard about Damien in the news too, how sad for his family. I know sometimes we assume everything is okay with people when in actual fact they are struggling inwardly. I have learnt to be slow to speak as that gives me time to think whether I would appreciate it if it was said to me. If my answer is no then I just don’t say it. Love your outfit especially the pants. Hugs!!
Love your outfit and post!
Thanks for much. Appreciate the love.
Theresa Sutton
That color is STUNNING on you! Love the quote by Maya Angelou. I still get sad knowing that she’s no longer with us. What a Phenomenal Woman…
Thank you. I know right she was such a beautiful lady full of wisdom and grace.
emily warinda
this is such a chic outfit hunny…. I absolutely love it to bits….I want (scratch that) I “Need” everything you have on.. I hope you had a lovely weekend…. Stay blessed hunny :*
Maya strikes again! I love the quote. And cool outfit!
Thank you. Appreciate you stopping by. Take care
The color of your shift looks great on you!
Wendy Adhiambo
These two colours ( black and lemon yellow) are just POWER! you nailed it Sonia
I just couldn’t wait to check it out! How can those pants be this gorgeous . you look great too
Wish you a great Week dear
Love this color! You wear it well!
Nimi Popat
You look really gorgeous… Especially in the neon top. 🙂
Appreciate your kind words. Thanks for stopping by
Eish!You are killing it!I love the look..xx
Thanks hun.. Just like you .. Love your Ankara vest too
Stevie on the Move
Very beautiful! 🙂
Thank you. Really appreciate it
Always come here knowing by the time I read a post, I will.be inspired in a different way.. Is that not something to look forward too Soni?
I have been on a hunt for this kind of pants but the ones I do find, always have a funny fit on my lower body! Anyhu.. That won’t stop me from searching! This year is an year of change and I proclaim it in Jesus name. Let him take the wheel and guide us in all that we plan to do.. Let him.be our beginning and our last!
Wishing u a beautiful weekend doll!
Love the pants and pop of color in the shirt!
love that quote. thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks dear. Enjoy your weekend
Love your style! thanks for the inspriation 😉
You are so kind.. Enjoy your weekend
I am loving this outfit. A touch can color is so my style!