Man….ish Happy Father’s Day
Hi everyone,
Today is Father’s Day in Australia , am not sure why this day is not observe universally on a set date but oh well we celebrate it today here in Australia.
I just want to wish all the amazing fathers out there striving to provide for their children and set for them a good example to follow in a world were wrong is now seem right.
I am a daddy’s girl even though am now married, as I have not lived with my Mom now for over 15 years hmmm that’s a story for another day but she is still well and ALIVE though!! Just needed to state that to make it clear.
On this special Day I think I should add by two cents on the topic of being a Man and the struggle they face wanting to prove themselves as a provider, a good husband and most of all a good Father when the world has set such a high standard on what makes a good Man and a Father that put Men in tremendous pressure and most of the time fall short in our eyes.
I think being a Man is an enormous Job, We ladies always want to change the men in our lives to the person we see in movies, or by looking at someone else’s relationship, but we cant change them and the more we nag about what they don’t do well the more they distance themselves from home and the family which greatly affects our children.  Its a struggle being a man and its no Joke. So I Salute Men who stick around to raise a family and set an example for their children especially their Sons.
They may not be what we dream about, but lets learn to focus on their strengths and praise them as much as we can, am learning to do the same with my Husband, I once heard from a preacher that men don’t take criticism well especially in relation to their manhood (Just a confession I like listening to Men conferences preaching) so we should praise Praise and praise until they want us to stop haha.
Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers around the world we love and appreciate you, even though we may not say it or show it always but we do.
My Fashion Corner:
One day on my way to work I saw a Man pushing his daughter in a stroller dressed up similar to the look I created. I instantly fell in love with the way he was dressed so I took out my note pad and jot it down (weird  I know). Such a powerful scene to see him doing the drop off to the child care (am assuming) as this is usually the job of women I know some men do it too I should  add . So now you know it, that were my inspiration came from and I thought what better day to do this look than today when we are appreciating  and celebrating all the Father’s in Australia today. Hope you saw the little Man-ish in me 🙂
Enjoy you day peeps and chat soon….
Outfit details: Shirt: The Gap(Op shop), Pants: H&M, Loafer: Witchery, Cardigan: Dotti, Watch: Aldo(the iconic)
You make everything look so good my dear Sonia. The things these men have to put up with HA! You just ask my husband. Gosh, I can’t believe some of the things I get away with but I must confess my “sorry, I sincerely apologize, I did not mean it that way” is never far off haha. So the other day he asked me to massage his shoulders and I said “you should go and pay the professionals to do it” absolutely forgetting that he always does mine. I didn’t even think how selfish that sounded. Oh by the way I am still blaming that headache which made me talk before thinking. Have a blessed day sweetie!!
Elsie am so guilty with the things I make my husband put up with… The nagging about not helping around the house, not spending time with his son and the list goes on.. Same here I forget to do the things that he is always doing for me. I guess it never too late to start appreciating them.. Haha now that the headache is gone you give him the well deserved massage. Stay bless and thanks for always stopping by.
You look gorgeous, love outfits like this, so stylish!! Thanks for visiting my blog…hope you have a great week 🙂 x
Thanks for stopping by too. I did hope you had too and thanks for the compliment.
Wendy Adhiambo
You look more than gorgeous all the way and your Hair!!!
lovely post and there is a Burgundy post here on your blog that I loved so much
Enjoy your Week
Thanks beautiful for the lovely words and for stopping by. You enjoy your week too.
emily warinda
Such a cute ensemble Sonia……… This look is so stylish and cute and what tops everything is how you managed to make it comfy with the shoes….. Love it!!!! Hugs XX
Awww thanks babe. God bless you and thanks for stopping by….
Neat post and really cute!!
Check out my recent post: MyLyfeMyStory
Thanks dear.. Enjoy your day
Great look! Just started following you
Awww. Thanks dear. Love your blog too