Lilac & Coral
Hi everyone,
Hurray! I welcome you Spring, thanks for your arrival I was beginning to think you will never come as I was getting tired of the cold and being sick with the Flu (haha).
I have been having lazy nights, hooked on watching POWER not sure if you have heard about this American TV series, I thinks it’s a good show even though not everything on it is my cup of tea.
Anyway couple of days ago I was listening to one of TD Jakes preaching called “Dealing with the Unexpected” (leave it alone) hmmmmm (sigh) that’s such a hard task, when we are all constantly trying to fix our lives and tackle every obstacle in our way. Our first impulse is to fight whenever we encounter a problem because I believe God created us to be winners and no tiny obstacle would not stop us. But does it have to be that way all the time? Do we have to fight every battle? Fighting every battle will make us weary and suck the life out of us.  As stated in psalm 46:10 be still and know that I am God. Be still and rejoice God will fight all your battles on your behalf. Well it’s not always that easy and am so guilty of this all the time.
In summary TD Jakes was talking about how some unexpected problems in our lives are to be left alone, don’t try to manipulate it or anything. You just ask God to take you through the process and help you see the purpose of it.
We all have been in some situations were we are trying to fix a problem but the more we try the more it appear that things are getting worse instead of better. We try and try and eventually we just give up totally and we find out that the thing work itself out in the end. Romans 8:28 says it better, all things work together for good all those who stop fixing and take it to God to work it out ( in my own words). In the preaching  TD Jakes was conveying to us that Jesus is urging us to just leave it alone and trust what God can do, he doesn’t need any help from us as he is God alone and he is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ask or think. He is God! Ephesians 3:20-21.
We don’t always need to understand the reason for some unexpected trials our your lives. Just leave it alone and take it to God who knows the end from the beginning and remember he will never allow you to go through a journey without a greater purpose. So in the battle be still and stay silence and you will hear God audibly and even if you think God is silent, just know that he is still in control.
My Fashion Corner:
Like I mentioned earlier, we welcome spring a couple of days ago in Australia. So I decided to bring my colours out to grace the new season. Spring is such a beautiful month, its a time the colours in the things around us come out. I love colours maybe you might have figured that out by now from my other posts. I decided to play with lilac and coral which I think are two beautiful colours and can blend in and make you stand out.
Enjoy your day and chat soon
Outfit details: Top: Asos, Skirt: Shein, Heels: Tony Bianco, Clutch: Zara, Watch: Aldo
I hear you sister girl! Leave it alone? that’s definitely not the SaLone way hehe, but we are all learning to take one day at a time and lean on God trusting that his ways are perfect and He always comes good for us. These days I tell myself its not worth the wahala. Oh, you slayed this outfit. I love colors too and spring, glad we won’t be using that dirty word called winter in a while :). Have a lovely day sweetie 🙂
So True. Its hard sometimes just to stay still and wait on God. But like you said we are learning everyday by making a conscious effort.
I was so over Winter am glad Spring is here.
Stay Bless and thanks for stopping by.
It will be good to know that trusting God fully and letting go doesn’t come easy for anyone but that little act of faith can go a long way. Sometimes we tend to trust more on our little wisdom; the Bible says for the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom and the weakness of God stronger than man’s strength (1 Corinthians 1:25). God help us to trust more today and always.
You look really beautiful, one will hardly think of this unique colour blend but you did and it came out really lovely. Way to go!
Thanks Sweetie. I pray everyday for God to help me trust him every day of my life. Stay Bless dear and may continue to hold on to his word.
Very pretty outfit! Love your shoes!
Enjoy the beginnings of Spring! We are just about to begin the Fall season here in the US.
Blessings to you!
Thanks dear for Stopping by. Enjoy Fall too and thanks for the compliment really appreciate it
You are an inspiration to lots of people, keep up the good work and God will surely bless you. I would never think those colours can work together but thank you for educating me, never too late to learn lol
Thanks Mum for stopping by. Love you and I have a lot to teach you haha
I love this unusual combination. woow. what a difference in other parts of the world. we are moving into falls in Canada and in Australia you guys are springing up..
Kudos to you my darling keep doing what you love