Step into the Future

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Stop looking back and start heading forward.

Everyone got a story and a past, some are good and some are bad. I have noticed that bad memories tend to occur and replay in our mind. We wish we could go back and change it or do it over again; well unfortunately time is not in our control. Our past is only going to be, therefore, we should be in control of it so it does not affect us negatively. Many people are immovable today living a life that’s’ not destined for them because of their past. Why let the past control you when the present is right here. It’s time we start looking forward and focusing on what’s right in front of us. Forget about that friend, boyfriend, husband, house, money or whatever it is that’s all in the past now.

My Fashion Corner:

So the weather was in my favour that day, when I took my sister and son out for lunch after catching up with a friend of mine who took the pictures. I’m not the sneaker type person but I have few and decided to start putting them to use starting with my Nike giving my calf a rest after all the high heels I love wearing, even though some are not the most comfortable thing in the world. Moving on I saw this flattering casual chic dress in my closet and tell me self, self this is the one to wear today with the nike sneaker you have been hiding in your shoe closet for these past months. I was glad I did and you will be seeing a bit of sneaker from now on as I found a new favourite in my closet.

Outfit details: Dress: Valleygirl, Sneaker: Nike, bag: Adorneme

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