Moving on
Sometimes we all have to market faith and hope about ourselves to ourselves because its the only way we will be able to move on in life.
Oh how I missed you all and thanks for all the messages and kind words while I Â was taking a break from blogging. I hope you all are doing great and am doing well too. I really don’t want to dwell on the reasons for being away for these few weeks but I sure miss you all. I have learnt that our emotions are activated by what we believe, Like Paul said in the bible we should learn to leave things that are behind and learn to press on to the things that are ahead.
Moving on is like learning a new habit which takes so much energy and grace to adapt, but you have to make it a deliberate decision. Like they say old habits die hard.
We all get hurt, experience loss and bad things happen to us that we want to mourn and remain stagnant in that place of our loss, but we should not allow these setbacks to quench/destroy our audacity to believe that there is something better God has planned  in the future for us.
So in that barren place of hurt, unforgiveness, rejection, and everything else, know what God has a fertile land full of Joy, happiness and Grace to move on. Life is not easy as we all may know it, but after all that has happen refine your faith to believe again in the best person you can be passed all the negative things that may have happened.
So today I dare you to take a minute of silence! …………….After this minute that was a silence for the loss of all the doubts, hurts and heart breaks and a new era to step into your promise land in other words………Moving on
My Fashion Corner:
In my dull moments I use colours to reflect the mood I am working towards.I bet you would have noticed that I use bright colours to express myself and you can see more from few of my previous posts here and here. I bought this skirt a year ago and wore it with a Denim shirt, but decided to spice it up a little  with this fuschia dress turn into a shirt just for this look. I am still living in my spring world refusing to accept summer is here in Australia (haha don’t be too envious if you are experiencing winter right now in the corner that you are in this world). I pair these two vibrant colours with my nude patent heels just to tone it down a little, that how life is sometimes we have bright days and dull days even though we focus on those dull days thinking bright days will never come but that’s the beauty of life we need both days to make life balanced and beautiful.
Dress: Asos, Shirt: Shein, Clutch: theinconic, Heels: Tony Bianco
Elsie Davies
Welcome back sweetie. The joy of the lord is our strength and with that strength we can overcome anything this life throws at us. Looks like you toned down a bit. Love this ensemble, very gorgeous. xo
Very empowering, very deep and so well delivered. I lift you up in what ever and in everything. Yes balance is key.There has to be good days and bad days or it’d be boring.
I love your bright colors. Beautiful skirt perfectly styled. I too am pretending it’s still summer cos it still feels like it in my lil corner of the world.
Welcome back darling.
Hello sister, we really did miss you and will also like for you to know you are more than conqueror. I just wrote on my blog a couple hours ago on how the grapes that make the finest wine are subjected to the harshest whether and while lacking water they are exposed to extreme sunshine. The strong ones that survive through it all make the finest wine.
I need you to know that whatever it is, you will make the finest wine because Jesus said so! God bless you
p.s you look really pretty as always.
emily warinda
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiii, welcome back my love….. Saying that i missed you is an understatement….. I’m sure glad you are here again to lift my spirits and you look absolutely amazing…… that color combo is everything….. your inspiring post just made me light up inside…. sending you a big hug hunny :* :*
Wendy Adhiambo
Welcome back love, It is very important to take a break from time to time from normal life situations just to reconstruct or just reconsider some things about life.
You look so good in these neon colours dear keep the good spirit and good vibes at the front seat of your life dear
Enjoy your Week
Natassia Crystal
Good to see you back again! I only know your blog for a couple of months.. but I found myself checking it from time to time. 🙂
Love these colours and I hope they can help you be happy and strong.. and to put whatever has happened in a closed book of your life. 🙂
YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
Love the Bible reference you made, hon. It’s definitely good to move on and fix our eyes on things that are much more important (things of the above) than any circustances/situations/trials/etc. on earth 🙂
Is.43:18 & Ps.32:8 <3
It's great to see you girlie! Looking fabulous as always!
xox Nadia
This just put a smile on my face. Am touched by this and may God continue to bless your heart.
love the colour block hun. looking good.
Thanks beautiful
Amazing look ! 😀
Sarah, http://sarahmodeee.blogspot.fr/
So nice to have you back my darling, Whatever you are going through remember that God is in control and he will never forsake you, just keep being strong.. It is well with you my darling.
you are a cute doll, love the color combination
Amazing colours!
Awesome sense of style!!!!
Thanks hun