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Hello beautiful people, hope you all are fantastic and have had a great week and an amazing weekend. I also hope you guys have been adding colours to people lives and making a difference. If you ask me, my week was slower than expected but thanks to the mighty Lord for being there and guiding me through.

Last week I talked about being a rainbow in someone’s cloud. This week I just want to add on to that and remind us all to continue to do good and not get weary. This is very hard for some of us based on our experiences and the world we live in today, where someone can use and abuse you and think nothing of you. Just remember we humans are a bundle of possibilities and we can be a mystery to ourselves. So. I urge you to continue to do good and do the best you can always no matter what because whatever work or good service we render we are doing it for God and not for any human being (Ephesians 6:7: with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men). So let think of God in all that we do and do it with a pure heart to the best of our ability and the Good Lord will surely bless us all.

Well take care of yourself and be cool and stay warm depending on which part of the world you are living.

My Fashion Corner:

Oh my-my, the casual chic look saga continues. This week I decided to go black and blend it with not so bright colours as I usually do. For this look, the one thing that was on my mind was multi-purpose, in that I can wear it  daytime and also at night for dinner or clubbing.  I decided to tie the plaid shirt around my waist to create a street and casual vibe look in the afternoon and in the evening you can decide to put the shirt on depending on where you are going or leave it in the car and like you can see the leopard heels is just screaming attention attention and coming through haha.

Thanks for stopping by.. Let me know what you think by leaving your comments below.  Till then stay safe. Love SS

Outfit details: Bodysuit &  Jeans- H&M, Shirt: Zara, Heels: Tony Bianco

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