Welcome to 2017

Welcome to 2017

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Welcome to the world of Sonia/Sonishspace in 2017

cnp_7378    Can I start by saying thank you to the people that took the time to message me, since I haven’t been here for what feels like forever? May God bless you abundantly. Thanks for appreciating all my hard work and thanks too to all the first time visitors.


cnp_7341How are you all doing? I hope you’ve had a great start to the year. I hope its not too late to wish you’ all a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

cnp_7359cnp_7348Well! Well! Well. Where should I even start, It would be too overwhelming to just tell you about my vacation and everything else in one post, so I will gradually be sharing in several posts.

cnp_7325cnp_7352If you are new here or don’t follow me on my social media platforms. I went home (Sierra Leone) to see my mother after 14 years, if you are reading this and saying WOW. I know right, why did it took so long, that’s say it’s a story for another day. A plan is now in place to rectify this lapse going forward.

Seeing her after so many years can be best described as ‘Magical’, filled with tears and laughter. Words cannot fully convey the feeling. I missed her so much, the three weeks was not enough (regret).

The overall trip was overwhelmingly exciting. I was mentally ready to embrace it all, so it was kinda easy to get into the routine. I must confess somethings were quite confronting at first but it was fun and was all part of the experience.

It was not all up moments, there were down moments as well. On the 8th of Jan 2017, I lost my younger brother who was just 25 years old. It was a shock to everyone but God knows best and he will always be remembered for his kind heart and how he warm the hearts of everyone he has an encounter with.

One thing I’ve learnt from my vacation, is the fact that every trip teaches me something to use in future. This trip was an exception, in the sense that while I love looking back and thinking fondly about the surprises, the discoveries and the new friends I made, I will also remember all the lessons this trip taught me such as:

  1. To have peace and be hopeful when your current situation is telling you otherwise;
  2. To have hope for the future, when it feels like there is nothing to be hopeful for;
  3. You don’t have to have everything in life to be happy, be content and have faith in God; and
  4. Don’t take life for granted, appreciate the little things because your wants are someone’s desperate need for survival. Its a luxury for some people.

cnp_7358This trip has really put my life in perspective. I will continue to appreciate life and live not just exist. Most of all, strive to improve myself everyday.

cnp_7388It was amazing to experience my culture and my people after so many years. Oh I miss the fresh food, it tastes so much better.

cnp_7345cnp_7348Enjoy the start of a new week and Happy Valentine’s Day to all the lovers out there.

Take it easy and let me know what you have been up to in the new year in the comment section.


My Fashion Corner:

Words sometimes don’t describe the beauty of things, especially for this Topshop Denim and Tulle combination skirt. For sure, I wanted to highlight the beauty and uniqueness of this amazing skirt. I fell in love with its versatility, hence the decision to go simple, but at the same time elegant look. The skirt can be worn for so many occasions, including going on your Valentine’s dinner date. You can wear it with a plain white or black shirt and you can make a statement.

Let me know how you can style this skirt.

Outfit details:

Top: JayJay

Skirt: Topshop

Heels: Christian Louboutin -So Kate

Glasses: Raybans

Handbag: Zalora-theiconic

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