My Red Lips

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“Life’s greatest adventure is finding your place in the circle of life” The Lion King

Welcome back to SS. Hope your week is progressing as planned, if not make it intentional to enjoy each second of your life. As promised this is part 2 of the wedding pictures which I have been so lazy to upload as my weekend was crazy busy helping my Friend organize her Hen’s night and I must say it was a crazzzzzyyyyyy night.

Can you believe we are in the last month of 2015?  Am still in shock of how this year has flown by so fast, but am thankful for so many blessings and have learnt and experience new things along the way. Will be doing a post later this month of my life this year in a summary, so hold that thought.

Pushing through, I was reading a book few days ago and the author was talking about how each of us should have areas in our world to draw a circle around and make a difference and the thought came to mind that I want to use my blog to encourage others in a way that every time they stop by something will speak to their current situation and fine solitude in my writings or ignite their passion. I know God created me to make a difference and am starting here as we are all born with an incredible capacity to impact our world with the power of our mind and gifts given to us by God, regardless of how bad or helpless life has been or currently is. Trust me I know its difficult to hope or have faith sometimes but you have to draw a circle to make your difference in a world were morality is becoming extinct.

So I ask you, what areas in your world are you going to draw a circle around?

My Fashion Corner:

As a continuation from my last post after the black and nude to the ceremony I decided to fierce the look with a vibrant red lips and this monochrome dress and oh my its such a beautiful dress and just fit like a glove. I forgot to get the back of the dress which was the main reason I bought it as I was running late which I so regret but oh well I hope what you are seeing did the dress justice. This dress is so versatile and can be worn to many important functions because of the cut and colour and am glad I was able to wear it and celebrate with the couple on their special day.

Enjoy the Rest of your week and Talk soon

Dress& Purse Lipsy: Heels Tony Bianco

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