His Shirt….
I’m in a thankful spirit, are you? I just feel that in this last month of 2015 we must be greatful, just because we made it this far. The year might have started well but it’s seem like it’s not going to end well or vice versa we should still be greatful.
How has your week been so far? Mine is going great and am taking the rest of the week off to spend time with my family…. I know you might be thinking lucky me, but I think I deserve a couple of days off just to enjoy and celebrate with the people God have placed in my life and as we are heading to the festive days you should also take time to appreciate the people in your life.
Are you like me that don’t do the New Year Resolutions? I really don’t like getting myself excited and making all sort of promises, but few days later am back to my old self. Rather I like going with the flow and at the same time set my life on a course to grow and develop in one area or two and at the end of the year I try to audit my life, celebrate the things I have achieved and look at the areas of my life to be reviewed, revised and were improvement are needed but I don’t beat myself up if I was unable to achieve things, but rather challenge myself in the coming year. I believe sometimes we plan things for our lives that are not God’s will and even though we fight God to make it happen but his Grace and love for us will not allow calamity in our lives by given us what we have asked for.
Making a plan doesn’t mean it’s going to succeed, but the choices we make in partnership with God will guarantee success. So don’t be discouraged about anything but be thankful for everything and keep thinking big, praying big and plan big because God is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine Eph 3:20
Till then…… Enjoy your time here
My Fashion Corner:
Well I was browsing IG the few weeks back and I got the inspiration from a lady I saw and I have been thinking about trying my own version ever since. At first I just couldn’t get it to work the way I visualize it in my head and here we were that day for the shoot and it just worked perfectly well almost perfect I should say. I pair it with my jeans from missguided and my go to black patent. The whole idea was to try and create something different but chic and stylish. This is more of a head turner in the club I think rather than an everyday look.
Outfit details: Shirt: DIY, Pants: Missguided. Heels: Tony Bianco,Bag: Zalora from theiconic
Personally I don’t do resolutions, I set goals..
I am loving what you have done with that shirt..so creative!
You look gorge as always..xx
emily warinda
Yes, yes and yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!!!!!!! hunny, have you been working out or something? these jeans are just liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife!!!!!! oh gosh i need one in my life as well….. this concept is absolutely chic and just perfect….. Loooooooooooooooove it….. I think i’ve scrolled yo pictures like a gazillion times….. so in love….. Enjoy your off days love…. nothing beats quality like time with your loved ones….. Hugs XX
You are so right Sonia! At times we plan so many things and in the process forget to leave everything in Gods hands! I think the fact we made it this far is something enough to be grateful for! And spending time with family is number one on my list as well!!
You look so adorable and love how you got creative with your shirt👌👌
Elsie Davies
At my age I should know resolutions are a waste of time as old habits die hard but every year I promise myself that this will be the year that I follow through with it. So far, its remained in stage promise. I am not giving up though, who knows 2016 might just be the year of resolution breakthrough for me lololol. You slayed this jeans look. Enjoy your time with your family, good to cherish every moment with the people that are near and dear to you. xo.
Wendy Adhiambo
You looking so fine doll you know I have been waiting for this particular post for ages and now am here! I am even much more from the neckpiece inspired. Where is it from doll.
Wish an easy new week as we prepare for the big season
Bree Hogan
The look you have pulled together looks great on you! I don’t do New Year’s resolutions myself. I have goals and plans that I work towards, but that is an ongoing process and I don’t consider them ‘resolutions’ as such.
I love setting goals and working towards it. New year or not.
I love this outfit,especially the shirt. It think its lovely.