Distressed… RU Ok?
Hi Once again and welcome back to Sonish Space.
Thursday was RU Ok day in Australia not sure if you observe this day in your country, but basically it’s a day set aside nationally to encourage and empower people to regularly and meaningfully ask if someone is OK in order to help those struggling with life by checking on one another making simple conversation as you never know what others maybe going through until you ask. We sometimes think we are being intrusive by asking if someone is ok or not but a simple hello can spark a conversation that will save someone’s life.
We women have the ability to bottle up so many issues I believe that’s how God created us (a blessing and a curse I must say) and always living things unresolved hoping and praying things will change, but they don’t always do. We dress like a billion dollars, makeup on fleek and smile like we’re living in heaven,but so unhappy inside that one more issue will break us.
This week alone in Queensland 3 women lost their lives due to domestic violence which is so sad, and makes me wonder if someone noticed the signs that they needed help or reach out for help themselves earlier that may have saved their lives. One of the Victim’s story says, she went to the police for help but they couldn’t help her which is still under investigation.
Let make it an obligation to be our sister’s keeper, if you notice someone is going through something show genuine and non-judgemental support. There is a saying back home, that a woman’s heart is deeper than the deepest ocean in the world so imagine the width and vast of how many things we can get stored in our hearts, those several terrible breakups, financial problems, loss of love ones, self-esteem, worry about our children’s future the list goes on.
One of my best preaching by TD Jakes called “God of my tight place” in the preaching he talks about how people are going through their own battles without you knowing it, he talks about how people can look and smile as normal but fighting a battle, so don’t ever forget to be kind to the people you meet every day. That cashier at the supermarket maybe serving you with smile but from a tight place, your GP maybe helping you get well and healthy from a tight place, your work colleague you seat next to and chat with everyday maybe in a tight place and most importantly our family and love ones maybe in a tight place we think we know them well and take it for granted not to ask them the simple question if they Ok?
I plead with you today reach out to 2 or more people a day to check if they are Ok. It may sound so simple but that may be the most valuable thing you do for someone.
So to all that is reading this RU ok? If you need to talk about anything am just an email away.
My Fashion corner:
So couple of days ago during my lunch break at work, I went into Forever 21 and bought these shorts for an unbelievable price so in my excitement I bought them in the two available colours, like they say if you like them get them in every colour. I know it’s not summer yet but I couldn’t wait to rock them I just love the distressed look and how you can dress them up and down (just thinking ahead of how I can wear it next). I decided to pair it with this top I got from missguided and grace it with my TB nude heels and the big curly hair just add volume to the outfit haha and I was ready to hit the city.
Enjoy your day…. And talk soon
Outfit Details: Top: Missguided, Shorts: Forever 21, Heels: Tony Bianco, Handbag: Michael Kors
I don’t know why every country doesn’t have an RU ok day! It seems like it starts the conversation about tough topics
I know right. Hope you get to ask someone if they are ok and maybe help someone who is struggling with life.
very beautiful post.
Thanks dear. Enjoy your day and appreciate you stopping by
I am always assured of a good read when I visit your blog space. I try to regularly ask people in my circle if they are okay and also offer a helping hand if there is a need. I have made many mistakes where I have let a friend down here and there but I have learnt from those mistakes. As they say not all that glitters is gold, many a times people will put up a front but behind the scenes there is a lot going on for them. I also find that people from Africa hardly tell others whats going on. You know how we say back home. poor am I but bitter blood in me? We sit on the problems, praying and hoping it will go away failing to realize that God brings people into our live at particular times to help us along the way. Also there are times when you know someone is going through a situation but they are not willing to talk about it. If you broach the subject, they accuse you of gossiping. Its a hard one. I love how you’ve worked your outfit into the theme of the day. You are looking swish. Enjoy your day dear Sonia. Hugs and kisses.
Awwe thanks Elsie I regularly do too by text messages or phone calls. We all have made a mistake in this area and have learnt the hard way. In this short time on earth I have seen and witness that saying is so true as some things are way too good to be true and i also found out that those who are going though hard times put up the strongest walls and sometimes i really don’t blame our people to bottle up everything in because our friends have their own friends who have their own friends and that’s how the story will go viral but like you said we can only do our best and pray that is enough. Thanks for stopping by. Stay bless and my regards to your family.
Wendy Adhiambo
This is a very inspiring post, I love how you speak your mind in your posts. Your outfit also look so so great together with your curls you rock dear.Have a lovely Week
Thanks Babe. I love how you speak your mind in your post too. Thanks for stopping by.
I wish we celebrated this day in America! Such a beautiful meaning behind it.
Also, I am loving the outfit. Your hair is beautiful too!
Thanks Cailyn I hope you guys will one day celebrate this over in America too I look forward to this day each year to reach out to more people and rend a helping hand to others.
your a woman with the most warm hearted I have ever come across. yes it is very true how some many keep silent and loose their lives in domestic violence.. let keep our heads together and fight it..
your short looks fabulous on your curves.. I really love how you styled it with that bump. N.IC.E
Awww thanks Kartia. I hope we can build the courage and fight together against domestic violence too and most of all be able to talk to someone when we are struggling with life and not leave things until they get worse. Thanks for stopping by.
Emily Warinda
Woooooooooooooooooow, hunny, this is such a beautiful post…. I could keep reading it again and again…. It’s such an eye opener and reminder how we need to indeed be our sisters keepers. And need I say anything about your outfit…. I Just need those shorts and shoes in my life…. You are an encompass of sexy, classy and all that good stuff…. Hugs hunny 🙂
Love you babe for your kind words and motivation. I’m truly blessed out path crossed and I hope this friendship continues. The shorts are in transit making it way to you haha. Stay bless dear
“RU ok day” is a great idea! I wish we had it in Poland. Thanks for sharing this amazing post with us! Xo
Thanks beautiful. Its such a great Idea and I hope you will one day observe this day in Poland.
Wow! I LOVE this idea of RU ok day! We have national suicide awareness day which I guess is sort of in the same vein, but this is more all-encompassing. Love that mental health needs are gaining more attention.
Thank You dear. Such kind words I guess like you said suicide awareness and RU OK day fall under the same boat. Thanks for stopping by enjoy your day
Kelsey Anderson
Love your blog as well as this post girl 🙂
so kind of you dear