Be your “OWN” Original
Are you an original or a duplicate?
Hope you are enjoying your weekend. As for me yesterday was a blast celebrating my sister’s birthday so am recovering today.
Following my question the original is always better than the copy. Duplicate have no authentic power or accuracy something is also missing with a duplicate copy.
So let me ask you this??? Are you happy being you or a duplicate of an original.
Everyone is created for a purpose and nothing is greater or precious to God than his masterpiece. Like Joel Osteen said “We are all God’s masterpiece”. No need to try being someone else when you’re already an original masterpiece with a higher purpose. I know the world we live in today have a new definition of life, how we should live it and the standards. But the real question here is whose standards are you living by the world’s or God’s??.. We try so hard to be others and in the process we loose our authenticity and forget the real us. We then become a duplicate that can never compare to the original or reach its potential. Everyone is created for a different purpose and that’s what makes us special and unique.
So I urge you today to be an original and live the life you were created for. Run your race and enjoy your life to the fullest, you’ll get weary running a race that is not yours. You’re an original masterpiece believe that.
Be You Because Everyone Else Is Taken…
My Fashion Corner:
I Found my own special denim shorts few weeks back and instead of waiting for summer to try them out I decided to rock it now with my nasty gal blazer as summer is still few months away and waiting was something I did not have the patience to do. Neutral, neutral was all in my mind creating this look and my blush patent Tony Bianco heels was the best option to go with.
Outfit Details: Blazer: Nasty Gal, Tee:Guess, Shorts: Shein, Heels: Tony Bianco
Enjoy Your Sunday and Chat Soon
Elsie Davies
Okay sister girl lets talk about the outfit first today, shall we? Ama loving it real bad (said in my perfect American English). Casual and sexy, (from tiday we go fresh leg haha). I totally agree with this original business because if you follow what someone else is doing who is to say that you will ever catch up? You are not privy to that person’s plan, so it will be frustrating for you the follower. Oya, give me way make I do original shaaaa.
Wendy Adhiambo
Happy Birthday to your sister dear, I know that kind of recovery lol. You look more than great in your soft tones . Shorts and long blazers are always a great way to keep it both sexy and classy at the same time and with this look I guess you were the eye catcher wherever you were hun
And of course I am the original no duplicate oh cause when everything and everyone is gone then I still got me and I sure just wanna be real!!
Enjoy your Sunday dear
emily warinda
You hunny are just a breath of fresh air……….. you look so chic and sexy mami…. your post was so beautiful and inspiring. thank you so much for always being an encouragement :* :* hugs
Learning from you sexy lady. You always have the right words to make me smile. Love you hun
You are always so kind with your words dear. I will pass the message onto by sister for you… haha I hope I was an eye catcher that day hmm maybe not.. You are the real deal dear and never change . Stay bless
LaKisha Riddick
Yes, there is only one of us. We were created to do something that has never been done before! Love your pictures!
Another LaKisha without an ‘e’ in her name. Yippee!
I decided to comment on this post because 9/27 is my birthday. You look amazing! I agree, it’s better to be an original. Young girls need to hear this more. Great blog!
Love your quote “Be You Because Everyone Else Is Taken…”. Good to live by.
Steve Ceaton
I’ve been saying the same thing about writing styles. Be You Because Everyone Else Is Taken… Oscar Wilde 🙂
You’re rocking this look! That soft pink looks great on you
Great blog post! Love your outfit. That is super cute and I like the neutral on neutral. Next I agree, girls everywhere should be taught this everyday. I don’t want to be like anyone else.
This is such an awesome message Sonia! So encouraging and uplifting. This is a topic which should be taken seriously because the society in which we live in right now has really changed! Its always a pleasure reading your awesome posts and I love how Joel Osteen’s quoted that we are our own masterpiece…
But you know your smilte does it any day for me, right??
So genuine yet real!
Natassia Crystal
Looking great those shorts! 🙂
So beautiful! 🙂
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Lisa Martens
Love this look. So soft and feminine.