Happy 2021!!!
Happy new year!!! Well, we are already 24 days in and I am still trying to get my head around it.
Welcome to 2021, WOW! can you believe it, yes I can, we all can because most of us are happy to bid farewell to 2020 and was looking forward to 2021. So how is 2021 looking for you?
Mine started on the slow side – more context (here) and Brisbane (the side I reside in Australia) went into an emergency 3 days lockdown on Friday 8th to Monday 11th at 6 pm. That went well and all in back to kinda normal as there are other limitations in place to help contain the virus.
2020 came at us with lots of life-changing events and create for us all a new normal. It really made us realised what’s important- Family, not taking things for granted, putting our financial house in order and I hope it was the same for everyone to start – start it because you really don’t have much time.
What was your new normal entering into 2021?
As for me, I’m going to make more time to write in my diary. Also, to spend more time on here. I really do miss writing and letting you know what am doing and what am generally thinking about it to motivate you. Most importantly this year is to experience the bliss of being.
I want to engage more in moments of pure consciousness, one thing 2020 has thought me is nothing is really permanent and things can change so quickly you will never get the chance to be prepared. So I want to live in the moment and provide more space for much-needed serenity. I want to just be, see life as it is and detach from any expectations and outcomes. This year like any other year, I have no resolutions just intentions. My intentions are to be happy, remain peaceful, and enjoy every moment with loved ones.
What are your resolutions or intentions?
I just want to experience life – the highs and the lows without clinging. I want to find time to go in and find my serenity. Like we all may know, peace is found within ourselves. Being on social media, the information can be overwhelming at times and it can be draining. As we are always on and constantly stimulated. I really want to build a habit of retreating back and be still even for a moment for some solitude. That’s my intention.
Till then, set your intentions and trust the process.
My style Corner
Outfit Details:
Top: Missguided – Similar to this, this and this
Pants: Topshop (last year) – Similar to this, this, and this
Vest: Primark
Handbag: Adorne – Similar to this, this, and this
Shoes: Zara. Similar to this, this and this
I really think one should own one PJ satin pants in their wardrobe (a colourful one at that). They are comfortable, versatile and you can pair it with a lot of your tops. It’s one of that easy-breezy outfit for your up and go ootd. Do you own one and if so how did you style it. If you don’t own one, what are you waiting for?