Recognising opportunities in my green suit and granddad glasses

synonyms: | chance, lucky chance, good time, golden opportunity, time, occasion, moment, favourable time/occasion/moment, right set of circumstances, appropriate time/occasion/moment, suitable time/occasion/moment, opportune time/occasion/moment, opening, option, window (of opportunity), slot, turn, go, (clear) run, field day; More |
You taking a moment to read blog post is an opportunity for you to be inspired- I hope that was the intention that brought you here.
Honestly, there is no need to clutter yourself with expectations, just be present with yourself and things around you and opportunities will find you. Even though sometimes you have to go and search for it, the process will be so much easier if you just let things flow and be led by your higher self.
Look for opportunities where ever you go, it will only take a moment.
Style corner:
A green suit is bound to turn heads, so I opt-in for nude with the green. Since the bold look is sure to turn heads I went for a perfect fit and I use the belt to create some shape to the jacket. This double-breasted green suit has really grown on me. Can’t wait to style it again.
Do you have any bold suit in your closet?